Friday, May 14, 2010

Spoon Bread-

You know you're getting older when you think back to how long you've been on a messageboard/ online community and realize how long it's truly been... I first heard about chowhound when Shawn and I were planning our first trip to New Orleans in 2004. I was at a networking event and started chatting up some strangers about my trip and they suggested I check it out for ideas on where to eat. I wish I could find those folks and thank them, because that was 6 years ago and since then has become a staple in my culinary life. I use it for vacations, for recipes, or just for reviewing and discussing restaurants in my area. The website consists of messageboards for different regions, plus discussion pages for chains, general topics, food in media, etc. It's an excellent form of time suckage for those of you who are as obsessed as I am about food and restaurants!

I was reading a thread on the Home Cooking board where people were discussing different things to do with Jiffy cornbread mixes. The common thought was that on it's own it's not the greatest product, but can be a base for many good recipes. Someone posted a spoonbread recipe, which intrigued me for two reasons. One, it features items that I regularly keep in my pantry and two, it sounded similar to the awesome corn cake that we used to have when I worked at ChiChis.

I've been wanting to make the recipe for a while, but was concerned about Shawn's interest in something like this. I knew that he would like it, but would freak out about the concept of "spoonbread" and inevitably freak himself out of liking it. Sorry, honey- we both know it's true! I was thankful that on our recent trip to New Orleans we went to a wonderful Caribbean restaurant where we tried a corn stuffing. It was more spoonbread or corncake than stuffing, but it was awesome and we both loved it. So last night, when I decided to make this to go with some leftover chili in the freezer, I told him I was making "corn stuffing" and left it at that.

The prep on this was simple- open some cans of corn, creamed corn, and green chilis and combine it with sour cream, eggs, dried onions, and diced red pepper. Combine it with the Jiffy Mix and bake for 45 minutes at 375.

For anyone who's never had spoonbread or corncake, it's a softer version of cornbread. You actually scoop it out with a spoon or ice cream scooper; hence the name. It came out with a nice, golden crust and I tested the bread with a toothpick to ensure it was done. My baking skills are typically on par with my rice skills, so I was a little concerned! Luckily, it came off clean and we were ready to eat.

It was awesome. It was moist and sweet and the crust had a slight chewiness. The bits of corn and peppers gave it a great texture, too. I had been hoping for the green chilis to give it a little kick, but it wasn't spicy at all. If Shawn was more into spicy I would consider adding a few shots of Sriracha hot sauce next time to kick it up a notch, but it isn't necessary. I loved the spoonbread as a complement to the chili, too. I ate it together in the bowl and it really worked for me! Shawn loved it, too, but preferred it as a side dish.

Great dish and I'd totally make it again! It was so easy and something different from the norm. Cheers!


1 package Jiffy cornbread mix
2 eggs
1/2 cup sour cream
1 can corn, drained
1 can creamed corn
1 can diced green chilis
diced red peppers
2T dried onion

Preheat oven to 375 F. Combine all ingredients in a bowl and pour into a 9 x 13 pan sprayed with nonstick spray. Bake for 45 minutes and cool. Scoop and serve!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED the corncake at chi chis! It was my favorite part about going there! I can't wait to try this. Fire roasted corn would probably be tasty in this. Thanks, Jess!
